Monday, November 9, 2009

Extra Credit Short Assignment

From a fellow teacher in Ecuador:

I need YOU to write a one-paragraph description of your favorite place to visit or live in the U.S. Be descriptive, use lots of specific adjectives, adverbs and nouns. If you need an example I can send you one.
To receive a personal description from people back home would mean more to my students than you could ever know, plus it gives me the opportunity to explain to them who you are and where you come from and how I know you, all grammatical points I must hit on in the class. In return, you will get a personal letter back from one of my students describing their favorite place in Ecuador
(and hopefully convincing you to visit).

So get down to it, a paragraph description of your favorite place in the United States, may it be a big city, a national park or monument, or a hidden river in the Sierras that you went to as a child. Whatever and wherever it may be, tell me, and tell them about it in a paragraph (that means 5-7 sentences). Embrace the inner writer in you, we all have one.

Due: Friday, November 20th

You may turn in a handwritten copy, typed copy, or email an electronic copy to me by the due date.

*Extra, Extra Credit if you include something mathematical!*

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